Membership and activities:

Member in Egyptian Ophthalmological Society. Member in ESCRS . Member in society of Cataract and Refractive Surgery. Trainer in Egyptian fellowship board (Investigative Ophthalmology). Trainer in Arab board (Investigative Ophthalmology).

Work Experience

- General ophthalmology Outpatient clinic since 1995 till now with subspecialties regarding investigations ophthalmology ocular surface clinics - Medical Retina and diagnostic ophthalmology since 2003 till now - Investigative ophthalmology since 2003 till now including : 1- Fundus Fluorescein angiography 2- Perimetry (Visual Field). 3- Ultra-Sonography. 4- Optical coherence tomography (anterior and posterior) 5- OCT Angio 6- Corneal topography using the Pentacam 7- MGD diagnosis (Meibography ) and treatment 8- IOL master 9 -Specular microscope. 10-Ocular surface Unit Consultant


Currently Vice dean for Training and Research at Memorial institute for ophthalmic researches (MIOR) Former vice dean for technical affairs of Memorial institute for ophthalmic researches (MIOR) for 5 years with a very good experience in hospital management.2015-2020 Assistant professor in Ophthalmology at The Memorial Institute of Ophthalmic researches (MIOR) as Medical retina and diagnostic and investigative ophthalmology in the memorial institute of ophthalmic researches as fixed employee. Ophthalmology Consultant at Eye Care center till now Ophthalmology Consultant at RCC center (EL Rowad ophthalmology Center) till now Ophthalmology Consultant at Wady El Neel Hospital till now

Courses and workshops

- Attachment to ophthalmic department Northwestern university Fienberg school medical retina and investigative department including Observeship at retina clinic and OCT Angio, July 2018 Chicago USA. - Harvard Medical School Training to Teachers (T2T) Egypt Program in January 2022. -The ICH-Introduction to GCP Workshop organized by The Egyptian Network of Research Ethics Committees ( ENREC) & The Arab Research and Ethics Capacity Development Institute (ARECDI) At MIOR May 2023 . - Scientific writing structure and logic organized by DAAD kairo Akademie and held at MIOR- RTC (memorial institute for ophthalmic research and training center December 2018. - Post Docs writing researches organized by DAAD kairo Akademie and held at MIOR- RTC (memorial institute for ophthalmic research - research and training center March 2019. - The Third Global Symposium on Health Systems Research in Cape Town, South Africa October 2014- Quality Management Adapted from Aspire Leadership Academy in cooperation with ASPIRE (German Cooperation) April, 2019. - TOT (training of trainers) in October 2011 (Egypt) course held by Royal College in Egyptian Ophthalmological Fellowship board (2011) -The American Association of Continuing Medical Education, 10th International Annual Meeting of the Research Institute of Ophthalmology January 2016. - European Resuscitation council for basic life support (BLS) - German Language Course from Egyptian Dutch Culture Center A1-A2-B1-B2 - Spanish Language Course 2016 At MIOR

Last Experience

Working at The Memorial Institute of Ophthalmic research since 1995 till now (Egypt) Working as consultant medical retina and investigative ophthalmology in Eye Care center at (el Maadi) since 2011 till now Working as Consultant in medical retina and Ocular investigations at RCC (Rowad Hospital (RCC) since 2012 till now working as Consultant in medical retina and Ocular investigations at Wady Elneel Hospital till now The diagnostic ophthalmic laser unit for investigative ophthalmology at Kasr Al-Ainy, Cairo University from 2003 till 2005. (Egypt). Consultant in medical retina and Ocular investigations in Magrabi Eye hospital, Cairo from 2006 till 2018. (Egypt).


Founder of Eye Spot Courses (Investigative Ophthalmology ) 2018 Le meridian Helioplis 2019 Monte Cairo • Founder of eye spot courses educational page • Founder of eye spot courses channel Founder of Investigative Ophthalmology Course in Bonn – Germany as for Arabic doctors 2013 • Founder of MIOR Annual Meeting ( 2019-2022-2023 Waiting 2024)7 • Founder of MIOR Annual Investigative course from ( 2018 to 2024 ) • Founder of Ocular Surface Unit At MIOR 2024 • Founder of Young Ophthalmologist Club Since 2015 till now • Founder of Journal club of MIOR


*Bachelor degree in Medicine and Surgery at Kasr Al-Ainy Hospital, Cairo University, 1992 (Egypt). *Master degree in Ophthalmology, Kasr Al-Ainy hospital, Cairo University, 1999 (Egypt). *First Part of FRCS (ICO), March 2002 (Egypt). International council of ophthalmology- *Doctoral degree (MD) (PhD) in Ophthalmology, Kasr Al-Ainy hospital, Cairo University, 2008 (Egypt).